Okay (:

So, I forgot about my lil site. Just in case you care, I have new obsessions: Leafy, sleeping, and friends (tv show)… I still play Graal and I’m getting a new head soon so I kinda messed up on this one but if you’re interested here ya go. (Gif and Png files)

Edited off of the one and only: https://cuppygraal.wordpress.com/ <—-best graal gfx on the entire web (:

Can’t really call the body an edit but… the one without stripes is on  https://outcastedgfx.wordpress.com/ <——second best graal gfx site ((:

miafuturehead12miafutureheadmiabodyredAlrighty that’s all for now folks. -Mia


oriiI don’t really post much anymore, but here is a head I did for a friend.

My time is usually spent playing Minecraft, you should pm me in Graal if you play (;